It was my last wedding at the Coventry Registry Office!!!
Definitely, it was the last time for me when I photographed a wedding ceremony at my local registry office. Last time in 2019, because of the ceremony of Andreea & Cetin was the last wedding ceremony in the Black Prince Room in 2019… 🙂
…Two, three times a year, I photograph small wedding ceremonies at the Coventry Registry Office and then we have a little tour together with my wedding couple around the town. Usually, I recommend to go to the ruins of Coventry’s Cathedral area. There are a couple of nice places which will look nice on the photos. Another point for our wedding photo trip is… I won’t tell you but if you live in Coventry and you come to the town centre from time to time you should know. 🙂 I do not tell you because other photographers will start coping my ideas 🙂 … simple. They are good 🙂

Wedding photography at Coventry Registry Office

L. O. V. E as you can see. I love open people who likes to play and have fun… same as me.

Who does not like Champagne? Especially splash it around. Who knows where this staircase is?

At the back of Coventry Registry Office. The place where the Mr & Mrs start their official journey together… after the official part in The Black Prince Room

You won’t see this until the next year – Christmas tree

The Bridge at the Coventry Registry Office.

Coventry Registry Office.
It is a pleasure for me to create wedding stories at my local
Registry office. Besides that, the Coventry registry office is a nice place, especially my favourite Black Prince Room. In the Cheylesmore Manor House, I can always meet professionals… not like in some other areas connected to my business, where lack of professionalism of some people let my project down. I think it is a good place and time to THANK ALL OF YOU at the Registry Office in Coventry for good 2019 year. As I have mentioned, it was a great pleasure to work with you at the Registry and hotels around.