Heh, a wedding photographer is a person who works only in the weekend time. Did you hear that? Partially that’s true. Most of the weddings across West Midlands and Warwickshire where I based, take place on the weekend days. And this is the time when I work out of my place. But the whole week has an additional 5 days. So, what a wedding photographer does during those 5 days? Has a rest?
Today is Monday and besides family life, I have a lot of work to do. EDITING. And not only wedding photos. I do commercial photography for some companies across Coventry and West Midlands and as an owner of a small photography studio, I do portrait photography too. You know… family portraits, models and some private projects. But to be honest it is a small part of general photography activities. The main part of the business is wedding photography.
Do I like to photograph weddings across West Midlands and Warwickshire?
Well. Every single wedding is the same. That’s mean the pattern of the wedding day is the same. In the morning – bride preparation, then if possible I go to the groom to take some photos of him. Another stage is a wedding ceremony, then photos after… and follow the day till the first dance. So, it is the same on all weddings but people. They make a difference. I photograph a lot of weddings during the year. Every single time I meet new, interesting people. And that’s the key to the success. To the success which means… I LOVE MY JOB. Do you?
Wedding photographer’s day.
I have mentioned that besides being on a wedding and creating natural photo stories, I have a lot of work in front of my computer where I have to spend a lot of time. Every photo is handcrafted and adjusts to my client’s needs and my too 🙂

There we go. Last Monday from early morning with a cup of great fresh coffee in my hand I was finishing this spectacular wedding photo story taken at Windmill Hotel just outside Coventry, West Midlands. A couple of hundreds of photos to edit. Some of them required a little touch and others needed a little bit more polishing in Photoshop. All activities to meet my high standards and my client’s requirements. Nice photos easy job. There is a general rule for me. If I feel good at the wedding, then I have a pleasure to edit photos. Unfortunately, as in life not always is like that. This one was great. So. I had great fun to work on this story. Effects? Soon will be available to view on my blog and social media. The wedding day took place at the
Windmill Hotel.

Unedited photo from Windmill Hotel. Exactly that is the bridge on the golf course. We were approx. 30 min before the sunset and we had warm wight from direct sun. To reduce it I have used an external flash – Godox AD400 Pro which helped me to reduce a little bit ambient light, add some more contrast. By the way, in the Autumn this year I will be doing a photo walk or workshop with a wedding couple and the external flash. So. all photography lovers from West Midlands and Warwickshire are will have a chance to see how it works and how I work. But more about it later this year.

above (commercial work)
Commercial photography in Coventry and West Midlands.
I think we have got to the point which possibly will explain what else take my time during the weekdays. Commercial photography. Above I have attached 2 photos from commercial photo sessions. The first photo, a portrait for commercial use. The photo has been taken in direct sun with the use of off-camera light. And other photos, a shampoo. Product photography for e-commerce store located in West Midlands. The photo from my photography studio located in Keresley End.
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